The Libyan Trademarks Office to Resume Filing New Trademark Applications as of the 2nd of September, 2024

The Libyan Trademark Office (TMO) will resume accepting new trademark applications effective September 2, 2024. This decision follows the issuance of a Ministerial Decree authorizing the TMO to recommence its operations, after operating at a very limited capacity.


ARIPO and CNIPA Launch Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program

The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) have launched the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program. This initiative signifies a commitment to fostering innovation and accelerating the patenting process for applicants seeking protection in both ARIPO member states and China.

ARIPO has already put a guide showing how the PPH request can be requested:

Key takeaways:

  •  The program is a pilot and will run for five years, from June 8th, 2024 to June 7th 2029.
  • ARIPO will examine applications under the program in accordance with the Harare Protocol, the Implementing Regulation, and the Guidelines for Examination.
  • ARIPO and CNIPA may extend the pilot program beyond the initial five years.


The Economic Renaissance in Somalia and Reopening of the Somali Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)

Somalia has undergone a period of significant transformation across multiple sectors, evidenced by notable economic growth and development. The nation’s strategic geographic location at the confluence of major shipping lanes coupled with the country’s abundant natural resources presents unparalleled opportunities for commercial engagement.


The Reopening of the Somali Intellectual Property Office (SIPO):

A pivotal development in Somalia’s economic landscape is the resumption of operations of the Somali Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) in early 2021 after years of closure and the reopening of SIPO offers businesses a formal avenue to register and protect their trademarks within the country.

While new intellectual property legislation is anticipated, the pre-federal IP law currently governs trademark registrations. This framework allows for trademark applications under the 10th edition of the Nice Classification. Once filed, trademarks are examined on both absolute and relative grounds, with a 45-day opposition period from the date of publication. Trademark protection extends for 10 years from the filing date and is renewable for successive periods.


The Imperative of Trademark Protection:

As Somalia’s economy evolves, the significance of safeguarding intellectual property rights, particularly trademarks, cannot be overstated. A robust trademark strategy is essential for businesses seeking to establish a foothold in this emerging market of Somalia and Africa.

A registered trademark serves as a cornerstone of brand identity, differentiating products and services from competitors. By preventing unauthorized use of brand elements, such as names, logos, and slogans, trademark owners can maintain consumer trust and loyalty. Furthermore, trademark protection is instrumental in safeguarding against counterfeiting, a pervasive issue that can erode brand reputation and market share.

For businesses contemplating investment in Somalia, securing trademark rights is paramount. A registered trademark not only protects the investment made in brand development but also enhances the asset value of the enterprise. In the event of disputes or infringement, trademark owners with registered rights are better positioned to enforce their claims and seek appropriate remedies.


Seizing the Opportunity:

The reopening of SIPO presents a unique opportunity for businesses to establish a strong presence in Somalia’s growing market. By registering trademarks early on, companies can gain a competitive advantage and protect their intellectual property assets as the country continues to develop.


JAH Intellectual Property is poised to be your strategic agent in safeguarding your brand’s value within this emerging market. With our deep understanding of Somalia’s intellectual property landscape and a proven track record of success, we offer comprehensive trademark services tailored to your specific needs. From conducting thorough trademark searches to filing and prosecuting applications, our dedicated team ensures your intellectual property rights are robustly protected.

Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact us at