Qatar:  updates


  • Patent Annuity Payments


In continuation of our previous communication dated February 12, 2024, which addressed official circular No. 2/2024 regarding patent annuity payments, we would advise you of a supplementary circular issued by the Intellectual Property Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.


As you may recall, the prior guidelines allowed patent applicants or their authorized representatives to optionally defer patent annuity payments if the examination process exceeded three consecutive years for both national and PCT application. These deferred annuities were then due upon the issuance of either an acceptance or a grant decision. However, the newly issued communication supersedes this provision. To streamline the administrative process and ensure a thorough substantive examination by the patent office, the department now stipulates that patent annuity payments cannot be paid in case no acceptance or grant decisions are issued within three years three years from the filing date; i.e., if no action has been undertaken in respect of the patent. This revised approach will enhance the efficiency of the examination process and allow their department to fulfill a thorough patent examination report.


  • New POA Requirements:


An official circular issued by the Qatari Intellectual Property Department on June 25, 2024, outlining important updates concerning Powers of Attorney (POA) required for trademark prosecution which we summarize hereunder:


  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) certification: Powers of Attorney legalized abroad by the Qatari embassy will now require local attestation by the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar.
  • Arabic language requirement: For Powers of Attorney not originally drafted in Arabic, a certified Arabic translation must be submitted alongside the original document to facilitate efficient processing of trademark cases by the Intellectual Property Department, which will be prepared at our side.
  • Notarization and time limits: Powers of Attorney exceeding three years from their issuance date will require a validation stamp by Qatar Ministry of Justice.


  • Charging Individual Fees for Madrid Protocol Designations and Renewals


Qatar has notified the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) that it prefers to receive an individual fee instead of a share of the standard fees collected through Madrid Protocol. This applies when Qatar is designated in an international trademark application or registration, in a designation subsequent to an international registration and in respect of renewals of international registrations designating Qatar. The specific fees are 1,127 Swiss francs per class of goods or services for designations and subsequent designations (approximately $1,230 USD*), and 876 Swiss francs per class for renewals (approximately $958 USD*). This change will take effect on August 3, 2024 after establishing these amounts by the Director General of WIPO in accordance with Rule 35 (2)(b) of Madrid Protocol.


  • The Ministry of Commerce and Industry Announces Major Fee Reductions for Businesses in Qatar


In a move to stimulate economic activity and enhance Qatar’s competitiveness, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has implemented significant reductions in service fees for various services it provides including those of designs and patents. This initiative, outlined in Ministerial Decision No. (60) for 2024, offers fee reductions of up to 90% on services related to business and intellectual property protection. This policy shift aims to attract investment, foster entrepreneurial endeavors, and solidify Qatar’s position as a thriving business hub.


The new fees will be implemented upon gazette publication, taking effect the following day.


Bahrain: updates


  • Bahrain and China Launch Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program


The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) of Bahrain and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) have launched a Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program. This collaboration, effective May 1, 2024 and running for five years, aims to streamline the patent process for inventors. Applicants who receive a positive ruling on patent claims from either MOIC or CNIPA can leverage the PPH program to expedite the examination of corresponding claims in the other office. This reduces duplication of efforts and speeds up patent approvals.


The PPH program is an international initiative that facilitates faster patent processing by allowing patent offices to share workload. This China-Bahrain partnership marks CNIPA’s 33rd PPH collaboration globally.


JAH Intellectual Property at the INTA Annual Meeting 2024: A Productive Experience


With great pleasure, we report that JAH Intellectual Property delegates attended INTA Annual Meeting 2024 in Atlanta. During this esteemed event, they had the rewarding opportunity to reconnect with valued clients associates and agents, solidifying existing professional relationships and fostering new connections. Engaging in stimulating discussions on prominent intellectual property topics, our delegates shared their insights and explored collaborative possibilities with esteemed colleagues. Furthermore, they actively participated in various IP sessions, gaining valuable knowledge that will undoubtedly contribute to their continued professional development. The INTA Annual Meeting proved to be a productive and enriching experience for our entire team.


Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact us at